Strengthening Medical Imaging Capacity
A webinar in support of the WHA Resolution, organized by ISR and WFNMB
March 25, 2025, 13:00-14:30 CET
- Welcome & Moderation, Hedvig Hricak, Chair of the Lancet Oncology Commission on Medical Imaging and Nuclear Medicine
- Why a WHA Resolution on Strengthening Medical Imaging Capacity is needed
- Théophile Olivier Bosse, First Counsellor, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Cameroon in Geneva (7min)
- Marcelo Queiroz, Director of Radiology, Cancer Institute, Hospital das Clínicas da Facultade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
- Overview of WHO’s current work on strengthening medical imaging capacity, Adriana Velazquez Berumen, World Health Organization (7min)
- Overview of IAEA’s support of medical imaging in particular in the context of the Rays of Hope initiative, May Abdel-Wahab, Director of the Division of Human Health, International Atomic Energy Agency (7 min)
- Strengthening medical imaging – the time is now!
- Bibb Allen, President, International Society of Radiology (ISR) (7 min)
- Andrew Scott, World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology (WFNMB) (7 min)
- Transformative Impact of Imaging on Cancer Care in Sub-Saharan Africa, Wil Ngwa, Chair of the Lancet Oncology Commission on Sub-Saharan Africa (7 min)
- Q&A chaired by John Prior, WFNMB, and Giovanni Guido Cerri, University of São Paulo – 40min